The 3 Stages in the Process of Evangelism
The above excerpt is from a training called Organic Outreach. Bob Schindler discusses the stages people are in before making a decision to follow Christ.
The above excerpt is from a training called Organic Outreach. Bob Schindler discusses the stages people are in before making a decision to follow Christ.
Description: Bob Schindler discusses how to cast vision to your staff and church about sports ministry. This message was delivered at The Gathering (2010). [audio:]
Description: Bob Dyar and Tim Briggs discuss the future of the sports ministry movement and what ministries can do to prepare for it. This message was delivered at The Gathering (2010). [audio:]
The below video is from the Coaches Training Package. Bob Schindler discusses the value of coaching. Why God Wants You To Coach from Tim Briggs on Vimeo.
Top-Level Athletes vs. Whole Body of Christ (Full-Length) from Tim Briggs on Vimeo. Description: Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler discuss the tension in sports ministry of whether those participating should only be top-level athletes.
Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler discuss the tension between programmatic vs. organic sports outreach opportunities at local churches.
The above excerpt is from a training called Organic Outreach. Bob Schindler discusses how outreach, often thought of as an event, is actually a process.
Description: CSO Network webinar from January 26th, 2011. Bob Schindler discusses the meaning of glory and how to play sports for the glory of God.
Description: Tim Briggs discusses how to make your ministry gospel-centered. This message was delivered at The Gathering (2010). [audio:]
Description: Bob Schindler talks about a significant but not often talked about problem – self-centeredness – and how it can cause you to waste your sports ministry as well as the remedy for this problem. This message was delivered at The Gathering (2011). Length: 31 minutes [audio:]