Key Players In Your Ministry
This scenario reminded me of how sometimes we let people within our ministry become “irreplaceable”. As difficult as it is to accept, no one fits this category…
This scenario reminded me of how sometimes we let people within our ministry become “irreplaceable”. As difficult as it is to accept, no one fits this category…
I really couldn’t say it any better than this blog entry from ChurchCrunch. If you’re wrestling with how to utilize Facebook with your church/ministry as well as wondering how to do it then you won’t find a better resource than this. Can’t recommend it enough…
Living in the south now for 5 years, I’ve encountered a lot of “moralists” who would call themselves Christians but obviously are confused on what the gospel really is. Undoubtedly, whether you’re in the south or not, you have encountered these people in your sports ministry as well.
The end of registration time can bring out the “best” and “worst” in those we serve…
Today I would like to talk about websites. I know a lot of you cringe when hear the word ‘websites’ because of the negative history you’ve had with them. Hopefully, though this blog entry will help ease those negative feelings…
I’m looking out my window here in beautiful, mushy, NE Wisconsin during a season of anticipation, both personally and professionally…
Listed are a few ethical guidelines for church planting followed by how this can be applicable to the sports ministry world. I hope you find this challenging…
“Church” conferences fail to recognize sports ministry activities. There are always breakout sessions for youth, children, worship, production, senior pastors (and their wives), and more. But rarely is there a breakout session that focuses on sports ministry…
Sports is such a great tool to connect believers with non-believers that it seems silly to not use it as an outreach tool. Especially considering the state of the church in the U.S. regarding evangelism…
Leadership development doesn’t provide you much instant affirmation…Developing leaders won’t get you re-tweeted a whole lot…Yet leaders won’t be developed on their own…