The Limits of Evidence-Based Evangelism
What would change his mind, what would change the mind of many people resistant to evidence is a series of eager testimonials from other tribe members who have changed their minds…
What would change his mind, what would change the mind of many people resistant to evidence is a series of eager testimonials from other tribe members who have changed their minds…
The above excerpt is from a training called Organic Outreach. Bob Schindler discusses the pressure people feel to “save” the lost. Bob clarifies what’s our role and what’s God’s role.
I couldn’t help but think about how crucial it is for leaders to cast vision for their people. The Bible tells us that where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Vision is a tricky thing because it is getting people excited about what they can’t see…
Are you excited about the gospel? If not, and in you’re in sports ministry, chances are that neither are your coaches and volunteers…
“Did you see that parent smoking near the parking lot? We can’t have those people in our ministry!”…
Do you have a plan on how to get seekers/non-believers from your sports ministry connected to your church?…