Harnessing the Power of Summer Camps for Ministry, Part 2
The second way you can harness the power of summer camps for ministry is to look for both structured and non-structured ministry opportunities…
The second way you can harness the power of summer camps for ministry is to look for both structured and non-structured ministry opportunities…
A while ago there was a short post about Fantasy Sports and the opportunities that might be there for ministry. “I recently read where 11% of the U.S. population plays one or more fantasy sports per year. Additionally, 22% of males between the ages of 18-49 play fantasy sports. Looks like fertile grounds for ministry to me.”…
The gospel message is shared not only in devotional time, but is integrated throughout the day in multiple ways and through various activities…
This past blog post caught my eye because of its honesty and how it rung so true. Sports do hold great power. Some of it is so strong, it can bring down even the strongest. I hope you catch on to the fact I’m addressing multiple personalities and fields here. The toughest athlete physically can certainly…
Several years ago Christianity Today wrote an article called “Sports Fanatics: How Christians have succumbed to the sports culture–and what might be done about it.” It certainly created a little buzz for us at CSO because it had points like the following: “That some deep theological insights might be gleaned from such goings-on, or that…
Conflict happens all the time–you can’t avoid it. What you can do though is help people deal with conflict Biblically. As we all know though, that rarely happens with sports…
I really got a lot out of the following quote: “Real life change is a ‘process’. CSO continually talks about how relational outreach is the best approach in the sports ministry arena to reach people. But as you all know, it takes time and effort to building lasting, trusting, and deep relationships to allow for…
A good coach can quickly identify the players with potential to be truly exceptional in their sport. A great coach finds ways to develop that potential, encouraging and challenging the player to rise to the levels he/she is capable of reaching. Coaching is essentially potential-development…
Years ago, my wife sent me a text message that simply stated: “What have you done for God today?”…
“In a networking church (sports outreach ministry), you must be either a seeker, a bringer, or a cell leader (follow-up) or you are dead weight…