How to Measure Success in Ministry
Supernatural fruitfulness cannot always be measured…
Supernatural fruitfulness cannot always be measured…
As a coach you have the privilege to train players and mold them into better players, but you also have the opportunity to mold their lives to some extent…
Obviously, sports is a place where coaches and parents have the ability to shape young boys into men…
Most churches are structured where the lay people do church maintenance and the paid staff do ministry. So you end up with, say, two hundred members responsible for the maintenance of the church while one pastor is supposed to do all the ministry!…
There is a way of telling the gospel that makes people say, “I don’t believe it’s true, but I wish it were.”…
If we’re honest, sports can be a contemporary way for ourselves to “make a name for ourselves,” right? Some of us can hide it better than others but the idol of sports is very real in our hearts…
“How do I handle seven blown calls for the glory of God?”
“I’ve always told my players and coaches that something used to happen between us every practice, Conroy. Do you remember?”