Is It All About the Numbers?
Often times, we use numbers as ways to measure success in ministry. Numbers tell a part of the story but certainly not all of the story…
Often times, we use numbers as ways to measure success in ministry. Numbers tell a part of the story but certainly not all of the story…
Its fascinating to see Sports Chaplaincy develop in countries all over the world. What is of particular interest is discovering how different cultures adopt a chaplaincy approach in their context. Ukraine became independent from Russia less than 30 years ago, so as a stand alone nation it is still very much in its infancy. The…
We think one aspect of our calling as a ministry is to spur on gospel centricity in sports ministries within the local church.
Recently, I read The Big Miss by Hank Haney about his years of coaching Tiger Woods. One of my main takeaways from the book was:
The difference between High Performance teams and really good teams is the level of genuine care and concern the members demonstrate towards each other…
I had never heard of this short story but really connected with this idea. I often feel this way, like I haven’t scratched the surface of what I want to do, long to do. Like I haven’t even touched the impact I want to have, dream to have.
In your ministry or business, you can be one of two things: a dream maker or a dream breaker…