Call Up (Competitors Prayer Book)
An excellent prayer resource for athletes/players/coaches produced by SCZA. Permission granted to adjust the document for your own organisation and to print. Love the kingdom thinking of SCZA many thanks to them.
An excellent prayer resource for athletes/players/coaches produced by SCZA. Permission granted to adjust the document for your own organisation and to print. Love the kingdom thinking of SCZA many thanks to them.
Written by Bob Schindler What I like about the show, The Biggest Loser, is watching people achieve what they have never achieved before but have longed for some time to accomplish. It just stirs my heart as I watch their struggle and joy. I think there is something to learn from the show about developing people. To…
This blog from the Cripplegate seems very appropriate for sports. Here are some excerpts: “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. …” – Matthew 6:9 – Everything we ask for in prayer and everything we do in our lives is to be asked for and done so that God would be glorified—so that the…
The Reality Get involved with people very much and you find all kinds of problems. Failing health, marital infidelity, rebellious children, embezzling employees, fractured friendships – the list seems endless. The influence of sin is all around us. Our Response People respond differently to this reality. Some deny. Some avoid. My response is often to get discouraged…
Failure is a part of life. We all live with the failures of others. More importantly, we also live with ours. How do you respond to these failures? Do you get angry with yourself? Do you blame others? Do you deny your failures? Do you slough them off? Do you dwell on them? My friend,…
How does the world typically think of love? Emotion. A response we have to someone who makes us feel good. Christians like to call this infatuation more than love. In response, we point to love as a verb not a noun. We talk about commitment, choice, action. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul gives us a…