Mental Health Blog
Providing World Class support in the area of mental health in Sport
Providing World Class support in the area of mental health in Sport
At CSO, we write on the brokenness of sports. As you read what we say, you might get the message that we think competition is bad. We don’t. However others do. Here is an example from a blog titled “How Competition Made Me Less Successful.”
Motorcycles are dangerous. I believe that propositional statement to be true. You may believe it or not. If you do, you can without that belief really connecting with you. However, if I said “I had a motorcycle wreck on June 22, 2013…..”
We talk with sports ministers about developing coaches about as often as Stephen Curry looks good shooting a jump shot! Why? Maybe that is because the success of sports ministries that have leagues rests on the shoulders of those coaches. They are the “players” in the game of “sports ministry.” (We don’t consider this vital…
A while ago I was in Dallas meeting with leaders from local churches to discuss the foundation for Sports Ministry in the Local Church. We talked about the why, the what, and the how of Sports Ministry which I still find so relevant to share with you today. Our primary leader was Pastor Sameh Maurice…