We did a webinar on the topic of Social Media & Sports Ministry last week and what’s below is from the webinar.
First off, it bears noting that social media–much like the printing press, radio, tv, and even sports before it–can be used as a tool to spread the gospel. And it should be used as a
tool. So, how do you use this tool? I offer three ways:
1. To communicate information/news in your ministry
Remember, not everyone reads church bulletins. Not everyone visits your church/ministry website or reads your emails either. Social media is avenue at your disposal to communicate information. 27% of Americans get their news from social media [1] and Facebook and Twitter are increasingly being used for product and service referrals. In light of this, make the information about your ministry available in the places where people are looking for information: social media.
2. To help people connect & belong
The number one reason people join Facebook is to feel connected [2]. Everyone wants to be known and this is something your ministry and your church can offer. It’s also a great way to connect with coaches and volunteers. Remember, relational equity is key in equipping and developing people. Use social media as a tool to help with this.
3. To transform people
You’re not using social media fully if you’re not looking for ways to influence and transform people.
Ask yourself these questions:
- How can I use social media to equip coaches/volunteers?
- How can I use social media to impact seekers and non-believers in my ministry?
- How can I enhance devotionals/spiritual content on the field/court with social media? How can I keep the conversation going?
On average, people spend 20 minutes/day on Facebook and 12 minutes/day on Twitter. And this is done 3-4 times/week [3]. People spend more time on social media than they playing sports and attending church. To transform people it takes investment and time. People are spending time on social media so wrestle through how you can invest there.
[1] http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/27-percent-americans-get-news-mobile-devices-477879
[2] http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/ study_why_do_people_use_facebook.php
[3] http://churchm.ag/church-social-media/