We held a webinar last week for churches to describe the ministry of CSO. One of the things we discussed is why our ministry even exists. Here’s 7 reasons:
1) Because of the move of God in the late 80s and early 90s to reach people and revitalize churches through the tool of sports
2) Because Churches looked for help in joining this movement by picking up this tool and starting sports outreach ministries
3) Because leaders of these sports ministries were often lacking in vision and tools in utilizing the realm of sports for ministry
4) Because many churches are often woefully deficient developing her leaders leaving the sports minister to struggle alone in this need
5) Because the loneliness of a SM often extended beyond the lack of development due to the nature and rhythm of sports ministry
6) Because of the move of God in the last 5-10 years to call the church to Gospel-centricity that appeals to the church to redeem every area of life.
7) Because this call extends to sports through Gospel-Centered Sports Ministries in local churches that utilize sports as a bridge to reach people and a laboratory to transform them