I came across this at smallgroups.com. Below is an excerpt:
1. Focus on Building Deep Friendships
What your unbelieving or unchurched friend is desperately searching for is God’s unconditional love, flowing through someone just like you, in the context of a friendship. The world in which we live is strong on communication and weak on deep relationships. Be a friend that cares and your lost friend will see Christ in you, even if you don’t consider yourself a spiritual giant.
2. Be the Kind of Christian Unchurched People Have Never Met Before
Most Christians are willing to serve the lost, but would never ask the lost to serve them in some way in order to build a genuine friendship; this is because of pride. Real friends show their weaknesses and are humble enough to ask others for help.
Show people that you want a genuine friendship—one that is characterized by “bi-directional” servanthood. Ask them to teach you something, get a task accomplished around your house, or help you work on a weak area in your life.
5. Give and Take Refrigerator Rights with Unchurched Friends
Many Christians claim to have friendships with the lost, but they rarely have the person in their home or spend time in the home of the lost person. If you want to legitimize a friendship, invite your lost friends to your house frequently enough for them to freely take “refrigerator rights” and grab a can of pop out of your fridge without feeling like a guest.
When they reciprocate, you have reached a level of relationship that few unrelated people achieve in our world. This is the depth of friendship required to reach someone for Christ with relational evangelism. (If group members say they are too busy for this, challenge them to rethink their priorities. Being too busy to relate to others is not Christ-like. Jesus spent a lot of quality time with people!)
Read the whole article here. If you would like to learn more about Relational Evangelism, I would suggest you watch this video in our Resource Center.