Below is a video excerpt from a training entitled Organic Outreach. In this video clip, Bob Schindler discusses what is successful evangelism. Most Christians tend to believe transmitting the gospel message or making converts defines success however Bob casts a different vision for success.
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Totally agree Bob, I have yet to “save” anybody, nor will I, In our sports programs, I want to create the environment where the Holy Spirit can work. I may put in a lot of effort, but my efforts, sometimes could be better focused on making sure we do it right.
Firstly, is the most important part of what I want to get across, getting out there clearly and concisely.
Secondly am I delivering on my promises that I set out to deliver. If not then whatever my message is will be missed.
Thirdly am I reflecting the love of Christ in all my actions, both with those I am striving to reach and to those that are helping me in it.
Fourthly and most importantly(and I often fall short here) did I ask God to be in it and follow his leading step by step. and I am sure many other good steps could be added here.
Glad I got directed to your site, lots of beneficial stuff here. May God continue to bless you and your team
Thank you