The story of Tiger Woods has always captured us. The events of the last several weeks have captured us in a different sort of way. As I fight the tendency toward morbid curiosity, I am reminded by Tiger’s plight of several important truths:
When it comes to sin:
- No one escapes sin’s influence. Even the richest among us cannot escape the pervasive and seductive nature of sin.
- No one masters sin’s impact on his own. Even the greatest among us cannot overcome the addictive, progressive and destructive power of sin.
When it comes to outreach:
- Everybody needs a Savior. Do you ever think as you interact with someone that “he or she must be doing great”? When I do, it drains the energy out of my efforts to reach out and share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. I just don’t see any need. Tiger’s story tells us that even the seemingly most successful among us has problems lurking under the surface that either could or is destroying them. Remembering this reality energizes and moves me toward people because…
- The gospel is the power of God for salvation. Jesus Christ alone stands in triumph over sin, and he alone offers hope in this battle to those who trust in him. We have the message about the Savior who has provided what we so desperately need in our struggle with sin – VICTORY!
As you go about your Sports Outreach, may we be moved with the compassion of Christ as we remember that we may be talking to the next “Tiger Woods”!