Below are a couple of things I found on the blogosphere today. None of them necessarily pertain to sports ministry but I thought they were worth passing along…
1. Contentment from Tim Keller’s Blog-A challenging devotional from Psalm 131. “We must love God for himself alone, not just for what he gives us…If grace has really changed our hearts, we don’t ultimately care if life goes the way we want it, as long as we have him.”
2. John Piper’s Poisonous Cup from the Out of Ur Blog-As you may or may not have heard, John Piper is taking an 8-month leave from his role as Pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Listen to what Piper has to say on his leave, “You could view this as a kind of fasting from public ministry. One of the goals in this kind of fasting is to discern levels of addiction. Or, as Paul Tripp or Tim Keller might say, levels of idolatry. The reality check is: What will happen in my soul and in my marriage when, to use the phrase of one precious brother on staff, there will be no ‘prideful sipping from the poisonous cup of international fame and notoriety’?”
3. Want to Glorify God from Justin Taylor’s Blog at the Gospel Coalition: For all of you Theology of Competition students, you may find this especially interesting.