It’s a new year and for a lot of us, that means a new beginning. The change in a calendar year allows us start afresh by looking back at the past year and looking ahead at what could be.
As you evaluate the success of your ministry from the past year and look ahead to 2010, I hope you will consider what it is exactly you were trying to accomplish. As funny as that may sound–it’s easy to lose sight of the mission.
I was reading David Murray’s entry on the Gospel Coalition blog today about Peggy Noonan’s article in the Wall Street journal. This quote from the article caught my eye and hopefully will catch yours:
If you work in a great institution: Do you remember the mission? Do you remember why you went to work there, what you meant to do, what the institution meant to you when you viewed it from the outside, years ago, and hoped to become part of it?
Do you remember your mission? Better yet, do your staff, coaches, and volunteers remember it?
Here’s hoping and praying that 2010 will be a year focused to mission.