On his blog, C.J. Mahaney has posted a PDF file on a collection of blog posts he wrote on Biblical Priorities for Personal Productivity. Since this is the beginning of the year, and knowing the busyness of a sports minister, I thought this would be appropriate to share. Below is an excerpt from the PDF:
Busyness does not mean I am diligent
Busyness does not mean I am faithful
Busyness does not mean I am fruitful
Recognizing the sin of procrastination, and broadening the definition to include busyness, has made a significant alteration in my life. The sluggard can be busy—busy neglecting the most important work, and busy knocking out a to‐do list filled with tasks of secondary importance.
Are you busy neglecting the most important work in sports ministry focusing on secondary tasks? Perhaps the new year could bring about a new focus in your ministry.