How much are you committed to evangelism in your ministry? Is it the focal point? Is it an afterthought? Be honest.
With a name like Church Sports Outreach, you can probably ascertain where we stand on the issue. We say, if you’re not using sports to reach people, you’re not fully utilizing the power of sports. It’s like using a computer as a hammer, it can work as a hammer but it has a far better use than pummeling things. To translate, sports has a far better use than just having fun and creating a fellowship environment. Those are good things but the power of sports to break down cultural, societal, racial, and economic barriers is lost when it’s not used evangelistically.
I don’t want to speak for Charles Spurgeon (as he is dead) but I think he would agree. Read the quote below and ask yourself whether or not evangelism was a focal point or an afterthought in his ministry:
Souls must be converted here, and if there be not many born to Christ, may the Lord grant to me that I may sleep in the tomb and be heard no more. Better indeed for us to die than to live, if souls be not saved.
Sounds extreme, right? Should it be? That’s an honest question. I wonder how different our sports ministries would look if we took evangelism as seriously as Mr. Spurgeon?