I came across this blog entry from Acts 29 on leadership development and thought some of the content certainly translated to sports ministry.
Here’s some quotes…
Leadership development doesn’t provide you much instant affirmation. Leadership development stories aren’t anywhere near as exciting as stories of conversion or counseling breakthroughs. Developing leaders won’t get you re-tweeted a whole lot.
Yet leaders won’t be developed on their own.
If you don’t have time for it, you need to cut things out until you do have time for it. Make it a priority. Then, develop a plan.
To develop a plan for [leaders–staff, coaches, volunteers, etc.], you need to begin with the end in mind. That is, you need to answer this question: What kind of [men/women] do I want as [leaders] in this church/ministry?
To answer that question, you need to think about three things:
1. Requirements from Scripture
2. Requirements from your [church]
3. Requirements from your context and church (For example, what does it mean to be [a volunteer] at my church, at this time, this stage, this size, in this part of this specific city?)
Do you think with the end in mind when developing leaders in your ministry? Do you have a plan for developing leaders?