From the PlantNC blog. Good thoughts.
I have encountered Christians along the way, some well-meaning and some not, who seem very anxious to use the gospel as a weapon. They don’t take the time to notice that, more times than not, we are giving answers to questions that no one is even asking. The Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 3.15, “but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…”.
This verse tells us to make a defense when asked. Because of our propensity to want to convert others we do not take the time to listen to the struggles, questions, doubts, or fears of the very people that Christ has called us to love, serve, and reach. While we do have and possess the truth that is in Christ, often we tend to share things with others that, while true, are not helpful. It becomes an issue of timing. We jump ahead with little or no relationship and begin to attack them and answer questions that are not being asked.
Jesus reminds us in Luke 5.31 that it is the sick who need a physician, not the healthy. When the need arises to go to the doctor, the doctor always starts with having us explain what the issues and symptoms are. He doesn’t just start prescribing treatments without taking the time to listen. In the same way, we too need to take the time to listen. We do that as we invest our lives into relationship with non-Christians before we ever earn the right to give answers to the questions they may ask.