The below list is from Seth Godin from a TED talk he recently gave on reforming education. As you can see, the list is specific to education but I wonder what thoughts this might stimulate to a sports minister who is responsible for training coaches and volunteers? Anything here cause you to think differently about how you train your coaches?
(List courtesy of Ben Arment)
1. Homework during the day, lectures at night.
2. Open book, open notes, all the time. Memorization isn’t needed.
3. Access to any course, anywhere in the world, anytime you want to take it.
4. Precise, focused education, rather than mass, batched stuff.
5. No more multiple choice exams.
6. Measuring experience instead of test scores.
7. Cooperation instead of isolation.
8. The teacher’s role transforms into coach.
9. Lifelong learning
10. The death of the famous college