My name is Terri; I’m the assistant to the Sport’s Director at a church in Wisconsin and right now I am finalizing our Fall/Winter Women’s Fitness Ministry schedule. How hard can that be you ask? Especially when you find out we do not even have a Sport’s Complex and we hold all our classes in the worship center or a classroom!
I know, it seems so simple, but let me tell you a little bit about what I struggle with. First of all I need to decide what kind of classes women want to take, and when they are able to take them. Strength or Cardio? Pilates or Circuits? Morning or evening? I have to book the rooms needed for the classes and work around every other ministry’s schedule in the church, which is no small feat! This is an outreach ministry so I want to offer quality classes with rock’n teachers and music so women who aren’t Christians will come and not be scared off by our “churchiness”. How do I do that without being too “worldly”? That’s a hard balance to strike! I need to find teachers that know what they are doing and are willing to do it for FREE! Teachers that want to serve Christ with their talents and use fitness as an outreach tool. Where do I find women like that?
The details of running this fitness ministry can take all my time and energy. But in the midst of all this planning and making decisions I cant allow myself to forget my vision, my purpose for having a fitness ministry. I need to ask myself every day:
What is my vision for this Fitness Ministry? Am I covering all my decisions, ideas, and teachers in prayer? Am I planning with the intention of bringing new women into the church and offering them friendship, hope, encouragement, and some “me” time? Am I allowing Christ’s love to flow through me so I can make a difference in their day, their week, their life? Am I making them feel so welcome that I can carefully direct them to other ministries in the Church that may lead them to Christ or help them with struggles they are going through without scaring them off? Am I making myself available to train one on one with anyone wanting extra help or just a friend? Am I staying close to God so that he can nudge or lead me to help a specific person that day? These are the real details. These are the important things! What it all comes down to is this: I would rather have a mediocre fitness class than an impersonal, unwelcoming one that God is not part of.
So here is my prayer for you all: May you see what is really important in your day, that you spend time with God and allow yourself to hear his voice and feel his leading. That you don’t live without a vision or a purpose!
Terri is the Assistant to Ryan Borowicz at Appleton Alliance Church.