Last week, I had the privilege of working with ML Woodruff, Director of Istrouma Sports Organization (a ministry of Istrouma Baptist Church) in his efforts to redeem sports in the Baton Rouge area. He called for sports leaders from around the Baton Rouge area to ask the question – “What could we do together that we can’t do alone with regard to dealing with the brokenness of sports?”
About thirty sports leaders came to answer that question. It was an amazing array of people from the YMCA, BREC (Baton Rouge Parks & Rec), FCA – Baton Rouge, Pitch by Pitch Baseball Academy, Traction (a strength, training and conditioning facility), Crawfish Aquatics, Exerfit (training and conditioning), Healing Place Church, Community Bible Church, First Presbyterian Church, Faith Chapel Church, Bethany Church, Istrouma Baptist Church, SportQuest, Gardere Youth Alliance, and Gardere Initiative .
After the meeting, ML said to me, “Not many things would have brought this group together” acknowledging the history of conflict and struggle among some of these groups. I was reminded again of the power of sports as a BRIDGE.
In my part of the time, I went through
- the litany of recent examples of the brokenness of sports
- some of the broader impact of that brokenness
- an overview of the current attempts to deal with that brokenness
- the limitations of those efforts
- what it might mean to bring the HEART back to sports and competition.
(If you would like a copy of my notes – including links to videos – click here.)
This large group then broke into smaller groups and discussed their perspective on what they had heard and seen and answered the question – “What could we do together that we can’t do on our own?”
As they reconvened into the larger group and reported on their discussions, it was very encouraging to hear how God had worked. This time had challenged and energized them. (The 2 hour meeting ended at 1:30 and more than half of the group was still there at 2:00!!) Coming into the meeting, ML hoped this meeting would be catalytic – extending to further meetings and practical partnerships to take on the problem of this brokenness. Many there echoed that same desire as ML shared this vision during the reporting time.
Sports are broken. That concept may not be new to you. However, I find few people who grasp the current depth and breadth of that brokenness. If you don’t, check out the notes I mentioned above. Read our blog and click on the category Broken Sports. If you do grasp this depth and breadth, you know that God must do something to bring real change. Pray for ML and others in Baton Rouge and their efforts to redeem sports there. Pray for your area. If you have a burden for your area and are looking for support, contact us. We love to come alongside you as well.
God is on the move – redeeming sports. Come join the movement.