Our vision is no different than when we began, 20 years ago, “Mobilizing Churches and Chaplains through Sports”. Our hope is that God continues to use this universal language of SPORTS to allow His people to reach and disciple others for his glory.

The practice of sports chaplaincy in recent years has seen significant growth and development across the globe. CEDE SPORTS Chaplaincy exists to support chaplains worldwide and create a central hub that will enable:

  • Sharing Resources
  • Sharing Best Practices
  • Networking & An Online Directory
  • Mentoring

At the core, every church leader longs to have a greater impact. CEDE SPORTS Churches collaborates with local church leaders to fulfill that desire through sports – this universal language and microcosm of life. Toward that end, CEDE SPORTS Churches provides:

  • Strategic Coaching
  • Valuable Connections with other Churches
  • Key Developmental Resources