I ran across this October news report. Worries about injuries led a Long Island Middle School district to ban the use of soccer balls, footballs, baseballs, and lacrosse balls during recess. Games of tag and doing cartwheels are also not allowed unless supervised by a coach.
“Some of these injuries can unintentionally become very serious. So we want to make sure our children have fun, put are also protected,” said Kathleen Maloney, superintendent of Port Washington Schools. Without helmets and pads, children are more susceptible to getting hurt. “Obviously, they aren’t bringing protective gear out to the playground with them,” said Dr. Salvatore Pardo, an emergency room director. “Head injuries, bumps, scrapes, worried about concussions.” Some parents said it’s really about liability and lawsuits. “Children’s safety is paramount,
but at the same time, you have to let them live life,” Ellen Cohen said.
While I admire the concern for the welfare of the children, I am concerned the exaltation of this value is clouding out other important values – such as the value of play, spontaneity, or creativity.