I recently read a blog by Darrel Dash that reminded me to think movement.
Most of us, if we’re part of a church, are focused on the growth of that church. I’ve become increasingly convinced that we need to continue focusing on our individual churches, while also developing a concern for something much bigger. We need to develop a vision for a gospel movement within our area, and ultimately in our country as a whole.
That means that I can probably learn more about effective ministry in my city from other churches in my city, and places like it. The resources I need may not be found within my own movement, but within churches that belong to other movements.
We can all begin by praying for our own areas. Rather than praying for our own churches only, or even our own denominations, we really need to begin praying for the gospel to advance in our city or town.
Gospel Movement – this is what God has been about since the beginning of Christianity. We want the vision of such a movement to be at the heart of CSO. One way we work toward that end is to make it part of our mission, stated by the following – We want to be used of God to redeem the idol of sports and those who play them by leading a global movement of gospel centered sports ministries in local churches.
CSO and what we are doing is not the movement. It is just a part of this movement that God is building.
And he most certainly is building this movement.
How about joining? It can be as simple as you praying for your area and inviting someone else in sports ministry in your area to pray with you.
[Image courtesy of philliecasablanca]