1. Everyone Has a Gospel Story from Tim Chester’s blog
Here are two frameworks that may help talk about the gospel in the context of ordinary conversations.
Four points of intersection Everyone has their own version of the ‘gospel’ story:
creation – who I am or who I should be fall – what’s wrong with me and the world redemption – what’s the solution consummation – what I hope for
2. The Gospel, Not Guilt, Motivates Radical Christian Giving from DesiringGod–“The Bible does not use the guilt-producing motivation, yet it powerfully argues for the ministry of mercy. In 2 Corinthians 8:2-3, Paul tells us that the Macedonian Christians gave generously to the Jerusalem famine victims. He notes that “out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity” (v. 2).”
3. Honor or Not: Golfer Causes Prompts Debate from ESPN–“University of St. Francis (Ill.) golfer Grant Whybark has become a national name in light of his decision to intentionally lose a playoff for his conference tournament’s individual title and allow an opponent to advance to the national finals.”