Here’s an assortment of quotes that I’ve retweeted from Twitter. You can follow us on Twitter by going here:
“Doing” will become instinctive and spontaneous only when our hearts become deeply gripped by what’s been done! (@PastorTullian)
“We are not the reason the gospel works; the gospel is the reason the gospel works.” Ligon Duncan
Jesus came as the Second Adam because the first Adam failed. Jesus came as the Second Adam because you fail too. (@PaulTripp)
Is the Bible basically about me and what I must do, or is it basically about Jesus and what He has done? –Tim Keller
We tend daily to forget the gospel. Be reminded today that God’s pleasure in you is not based on your performance for Him. (@plattdavid)
God has called us to fight for peace–shalom–the redemptive repair of creation, society, and humanity. (@Jonathan_Dodson)
We do not lose our need for the gospel at conversion. (@TableTalk_Mag)