One of our goals for CSO in 2012 was to increase the exposure to our ministry. History has told us that when people are introduced to us and understand what we do, they become excited. With that in mind, we wanted to take 2012 and expose more people to what God is doing in and through our ministry.
Below is a list of bullet-ed items outlining how we’ve seen progress in displaying our ministry to the broader public:
- A blog we wrote entitled When is it Right to Argue with Referees/Officials was referenced by Christian blogger Tim Challies on his site. Tim Challies is one of the top Christian bloggers (by online traffic) and his link produced over 1,400 visits to the CSO site that day.
- Select CSO blog entries will now be appearing at, a social networking community.
- We’ve been asked to write some articles for the site
- In 2010, we had 8,900 visits to the website for the year. That’s an average of 742 visits/month. In 2011, we had 17, 361 visits with an average of 1,447 visits/month. In 2012 thus far, we’ve had 12,165 visits already with an average of 3,041 visits/month. Very encouraging.
- We have over 100 subscribers to the CSO Blog.
- In 2011, we had 66 people/churches request free access to our resources for 7 days. Thus far in 2012, we’ve had 56 people/churches request access.
- In 2011, people from 123 countries visited our site