I recently came across this article online of a church wrestling program. I’ve certainly seen churches offer a variety of sports and recreational opportunities but this is the first time I’ve seen wrestling. It sounds like it’s been a great opportunity for ministry. Read some excerpts below:
The wrestling mats blanketing the sanctuary at Cornerstone Church of Augusta serve as the training ground for an eager group of young wrestlers.
Participants as young as kindergarten age loosen up under the watchful eye of coaches before practice.
The wrestlers range from kindergarten to eighth grade and are part of Cornerstone Church’s Young Warriors Wrestling Association program.
Cornerstone Pastor Greg Mayo said the program — now 7 years old — has blossomed from a handful of coaches and a dozen kids to its current group of 105.
Mayo said while the young males learn about “self-discipline, respect, honor and sportsmanship,” they also get more.
“We want to build Godly character using the sport of wrestling,” said Mayo, a former Waynesboro High wrestler.
Twice weekly practices wind down with motivational talks from Mayo and coaches on Biblical principles of character.
Parents of the participants say their children gain much from the program, which runs from mid-November to the end of February annually.
“They get discipline and good values with a church atmosphere,” said Pete Lafferty, who has two sons involved and one who now wrestles at the high school.
Michelle Grubb of Mint Spring said her 6-year-old son is already learning about respect for peers because of the program.
“He is making new friends and learning a variety of temperaments of other kids,” Grubb said.