Just for fun, I looked back over the history of the site to see our most popular posts. Here they are. Enjoy!
10. Sports & Theology: Ray Lewis
With that said, I cringed when I watched this interview. There’s far too much of this ignorance among celebrity Christian athletes. I can’t imagine a context in which using this verse as a rallying cry is a good thing. The book of Isaiah is about God’s judgement and salvation. It discusses how he will rescue His people from spiritual, physical, and spiritual oppression. Isaiah can be a difficult book to study but it seems as if this verse is regarding the future exile of God’s people and the hope that God gives them in the midst of their suffering. Or, perhaps it’s regarding the 2nd coming of Christ and the restoration of all things. Regardless of your interpretation of this section of Isaiah, Lewis grossly misapplied the verse(s) (as Pastor Darrin Patrick humorously pointed out).
What personal qualities do top coaches possess that separate them from the good coach? Is it more the training or the inner qualities? Is it more coaching technique or the artistry? Is it more coaching knowledge or its application? Is it more natural talent for helping people or cultivated abilities? Is it insightful analysis of people or an abiding presence with them?
8. Sports & Theology: Kevin Durant
What I really want to focus on is this quote though: “And after a while I just started to learn to leave it where it’s at, get rid of it. Once you’re done and you’re off the court or out of the venue or whatever, go back to being you.” I’ve heard talk like this countless times on the court/field. After a game, when addressing someone’s behavior, I’ve often heard: “I’m sorry, man. I’m a totally different person when I’m on the court/field. That wasn’t really me.”
7. Baseball in Decline for Children and Youth
From 2000 to 2009, the latest year for which figures are available, the number of kids aged 7 to 17 playing baseball fell 24%, according to the National Sporting Goods Association, an industry trade group.
Some may find it interesting that VBS’s originally were created as an outreach opportunity. For most churches though, VBS has become yet another program for church members. There’s nothing wrong with that unless your purpose is to do outreach. Certainly, you can still do outreach through a VBS but I believe it’s getting harder and harder in this post-Christian culture (yes, even in the south). I think most churches that intend to be evangelistic through a VBS end up drawing children from other churches.
5. Was There Competition in the Garden?
If competition only came after the Fall in Genesis 3, then as followers of Christ we should move people out of competition and sports rather than into them. Jesus Christ came to overcome all of the corruption from the Fall. If competition is a part of this corruption, then, in our work as fellow laborers with Christ to build the kingdom of God, we should work to eliminate, not encourage competition. However, if there was competition in the Garden, then the Fall didn’t bring competition into existence, it only corrupted it. Our work would then be to overcome the corruption and restore competition to the original design, not to eliminate it.
4. Sports Minister Poster: What I Really Do
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve been seeing these posters/memes going around about different occupations. Here’s my take on ‘Sports Minister.’ Feel free to share this.
3. When is it Right to Argue With Referees/Officials?
So, with that in mind, let me answer the question: When is it right to argue with referees/officials? Never.
2. Image is Everything: Andre Agassi, Wigs, and the Gospel
Part of Andre Agassi’s image was not just being a good tennis player though. His identity was also found in how he looked. He wore bright colors. He often would take his shirt off. He wore an assortment of headbands. This was all part of an “image’ he wanted to portray. The most important of all of these though was his long, flowing hair. It was unique. It made him stand out. Now, imagine what would happen if he were to lose the “crown jewel” of his image. Well, that’s exactly what happened.
1. 4 Fun Basketball Dribbling Games For Young Players
The below games could be used for players of all ages but would probably work best for younger players (age 10 or below) still learning the basics of dribbling.