Welcome to the ISM Initiative of CEDE Sports

Who is International Sports Ministries (ISM)?

Founded in 1993, ISM positively impacts sportspeople, families, and communities around the world through sports. In 2020, ISM became a part of the CEDE Sports family, joining their mission to mobilize churches and chaplains through sports around the world.

What We Do


The work began in England and expanded into Portugal, Corsica, and Scotland, and included short term mission projects in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, ISM has representation in Europe, North and South America, and Africa.


Our focus is on Sports Chaplaincy through training and mentoring. Other area of involvement is on Sports Ministries’ activities engaging with local churches as we share the Gospel to local communities.

Our Ministry Philosophy

We promote value in Sports.

We interact with sportspeople to help them build character, integrity, and convictions in their lives.

We emphasize the need for sportspeople to practice their gifts, develop their skills, and use all opportunities to mature holistically.

We desire to see sportspeople embracing life with a new identity, motivation, and hope, which is found in Jesus.