This blog post, inspired from Ron Edmondson, was spot on with what I deal with too often. With my friends, sadly I am notorious for how much I worry and am insecure.
It’s simple yet so profound. Every leader struggles, because they’re all human. And for that matter, whether you think you lead or not, nobody is exempt from struggling. We all might feel insecure at one point or another in life.
So the best medicine is to head back to the basics.
“Ultimately, find your identity in what’s really secure – You have a relationship with Christ. Remember, “You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength”. If you are facing insecurity in leadership you may have to simply get better at walking by faith. “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)”
What’s really secure. Rather, Who is really secure. Time to start living, and being, secure in Him.