Derwin Gray, pastor of Transformation Church, writes about a new kind of sports ministry. You can read the full blog here.
Recently, I was asked if Transformation Church is going to start a Christian sports league. The idea of churches starting Christian sports league is to create an environment for Christian parents to send their Christian kids to play sports with other Christian kids. It’s also an outreach to non-Christ followers as well. I’ve coached in leagues like this for years. I believe they have a purpose in the 21st Century, but their impact will not be what it once was because fewer and fewer non-Christians will join Christian sports leagues.
Christ followers must meet non-Christ followers on their turf.This is one of the reasons why Transformation Church does not have a Christian sports league. Instead, at TC, we send Christian families and Christian coaches into non-Christian sports as missionaries. Sure, our kids and parents may hear foul language and see bad attitudes. But of course I’ve heard and seen this in Christian sports leagues too.
For those of you with centralized sports ministries, how would you respond to this?