I recently came across this blog entry from Tony Morgan about a vision that inspires. I’m realizing more and more these days that vision is so essential in a sports ministry. People follow vision. Resources follow vision. Commitment follows vision. Are you casting a compelling vision in your ministry? Here are some excerpts from the blog:
A clear vision that is properly communicated will rally people. People will look at the present situation and agree together that there’s a better future that must be pursued. People will give their time, energy, prayer, financial resources, talents and gifts to help accomplish that vision. Lots of people will do that. If people aren’t attracted to your church, your vision either isn’t strong enough or it hasn’t been communicated clearly.
The purpose of this post isn’t to help you establish your vision and values. I want to challenge you to think about the purpose of your ministry. Does it rally people to your cause? And, does it repel some people? Of course, a healthy vision worth pursuing must attract many more people than it turns away; however, a strong vision will always help some people determine, “That’s not for me.”