I came across this blog from Tony Morgan and even though it’s geared toward visitors to a worship service, I thought some of the material would be thought-provoking for a sports ministry.
Here’s an excerpt:
It reminded me of one statistic I had heard recently, “only 10% of first time visitors end up becoming regular attendees.”
With only 2% of Christians inviting a non-believer to church any given year, there’s a big chance that most visitors to your church aren’t going to know anyone.
Here’s the upside. The likelihood of a first time guest becoming a member increases to 50% when they are invited to a small group.
It’s been proven that almost 90% of guests will return to a church, if someone follows up with them on the same day as their visit; that percentage drops to 60% if you wait just 24 hours.
Do you have a plan on how to get seekers/non-believers from your sports ministry connected to your church? Are you making any effort to make this happen?