Permission-Based Leadership
Cast the vision, model the behavior, and give people complete permission to follow that lead…
Cast the vision, model the behavior, and give people complete permission to follow that lead…
1. Am I spending sufficient time in prayer to be the kind of leader God wants to be?…
“Perform at your best when your best is required, and your best is required each day.”
I came across this quote from Tim Keller today:
There has never been a sinful heart that said, “I have had enough success. I’ve had enough love. I’ve had enough approval. I’ve had enough comfort.”
What an accurate and humbling description of our hearts. This is a reminder of what we already know in the sports world: that the heart, left untended, is an idol factory. It should also serve as motivation for the Christian–whether you are a sports minister, a parent, a coach, etc.–of our role to advocate, educate, and lead in redeeming sports. Do not leave hearts untended. Challenge people to a higher calling regarding their sports.
All of the below games could be played with kids of any level but would particularly be good for kids 6 or under…
Two years ago, the nightmare situation for any leader/organizer of a league actually happened – the dreaded walk-off (and we aren’t talking about baseball here).
When is it right to argue with referees/officials?…Never.
Unfortunately, churches often make things harder still by obscuring the goal—to become more like Christ—with a complicated assortment of activities…
Talking on cellphones has gradually given way to texting, emailing, and video chatting…
Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler discuss the tension between inreach and outreach for local church sports ministries.