Overcoming Discouragement

Are you discouraged?  Often fight discouragement? This past week I spoke with two ministry leaders who were in very different ministry contexts with very different recent circumstances.  However, both were discouraged. As I talked with them, what became clear to me is that even though their situations were very different, the reason they were discouraged…

What Should I Do If I Have To Cancel/Postpone?

Written by Bob Schindler, Executive Director of CEDE Partners – an Initiative of CEDE Sports Cancelled. The primary initiatives of sports, rec, and fitness ministries are currently either cancelled or postponed.   Not only these ministries but everyone, almost everywhere, is having to adjust to cancellations or postponements.  With many schools closed and moving to some…

Getting A Grip

Written by Bob Schindler, Executive Director of CEDE Partners – an Initiative of CEDE Sports In the last seven days, our world has changed significantly As I’ve talked to people during this time, particularly sports ministers, I hear words like disruptive or unprecedented.  But most often the word I hear is – SURREAL.   We are having…

Reluctant to Recruit?

The Sports Minister and I were discussing the Ministry’s Leadership Team and one of the people rotating off. I asked if she planned to replace this person. She said yes and we discussed possible candidates. One particular person was at the top of the list and, when I asked further about him, the Sports Minister said, “He is very busy – he already coaches his kids and his job is very demanding.”