Big News For CEDE Sports!

CEDE Sports has some exciting news to share with their friends, family, supporters, chaplains, and churches. They have “acquired” or “merged with” or “united with” International Sports Ministries (ISM).  After over 20 years of ministry, these two organizations are merging under the CEDE Sports name. They have always been on the same team, and now…

From the Pews to the Football Fields

Story from guest author: M.L. Woodruff, Sports Outreach Minister at Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sports Ministry mobilizes people into ministry – particularly men.   This mobilization into ministry is one of the reasons we encourage Local Churches to get involved in Sports Ministry.  M.L. Woodruff recently shared the following story to vividly illustrate this…

The Team

Guest Post by Tim Briggs, Community Group Pastor (SouthPark Campus) of New City Church, Charlotte NC Ok, I have to be honest…I’m a Michigan fan.  This is why I particularly like the below clip.  Watch that clip and tell me that you wouldn’t be willing to run through a wall for that coach.  Bo did…