There is a park near my house where I run a couple of days/week. As you might imagine with a sports fan, almost all my “workout” clothes are sports oriented (affiliated with my favorite college team or pro teams). I’m amazed as I run through the park how complete strangers will engage with me in conversation just because they see my “Michigan” shirt or notice that I’m a Detroit Tigers fan. I remember one time being stopped by a guy who asked if I was a Michigan fan. I said, “Yes, how did you know (as I was wearing no Michigan apparel)?” He responded, “I figured, you had blue shorts on.”
As an introvert, I have a difficult time starting conversations with strangers. So, I’m glad to partake in these short conversations in the park with people. I’m not the type of person who is going to meet a stranger and then share the gospel but you never know what God can/will do when you engage with people. Having conversations in public with people you don’t know is becoming a dying art.
Even as an introvert, I’ve begun to practice what people do with me in
the park. When I’m out and about–either at the park, or a store, etc–I’ll take notice of the sports apparel people are wearing and will try to engage. This is where my useless sports knowledge actually comes into play because there’s almost always something I know about each college/pro team.
So, my encouragement to you is this: Use your sports knowledge and engage with people. Sports breaks down barriers. You may never know where an innocent conversation regarding sports may lead.