CEDE Sports has some exciting news to share with their friends, family, supporters, chaplains, and churches. They have “acquired” or “merged with” or “united with” International Sports Ministries (ISM). After…
The Rugby World Cup is slowly edging towards its climax and teams over the next few days will be grabbing their sport for the quarter finals. But there is a…
How do elite sportsmen and women cope with the demands of training and competing consistently at the highest level of performance? How is this attribute developed? What are the factors…
Passing the Baton – John & Cindy White, Chapter 2 – The importance of looking inward before you look outward. https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/Passing-the-Baton.pdf
A great common sense guide to beginning in chaplaincy. https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/On-Your-Mark.pdf
A wide variety of reading plans for athletes to get them into the word of God . http://fcaresources.com/search/site?retain-filters=1&f%5B0%5D=type%3Areading_plan
Group bible studies for women in sport . http://fcaresources.com/search/site?retain-filters=1&f%5B0%5D=ministry%3Ataxonomy_term%3A22658&ministry_visible=0&sport_visible=0&author_visible=0&f%5B1%5D=type%3Abible_study&search=false
How much time and energy do you spend thinking about money? Why is/isn’t this an issue for you? Do you consider money more of a burdensome responsibility or a pleasurable…
Living in a fast paced, independent society will always work against cultivating an honest and consistent prayer life, but our lives desperately need connection with God. It can be difficult…
What do you find most difficult about establishing priorities in your life? Where does Jesus fit into the equation for you right now? https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/10.Lordship.Hurdle.pdf
If someone asked you, “What is leadership?”, what would you say? In what ways do you see yourself as a leader? https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/09.Leadership.Hurdle.pdf
Do you think it is possible to be fully committed to God and fully committed to your sport at the same time? https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/08.Idolatry.Hurdle.pdf
How do you continue believing when others are faithless? How do you persevere in the midst of trials with little or no encouragement? How do you love and serve when…
What would make you feel more qualified or ready to talk about Jesus with someone else? https://athletesinaction.org/resources/pdf/04.Evangelism.Hurdle.pdf