Are you discouraged? Often fight discouragement? This past week I spoke with two ministry leaders who were in very different ministry contexts with very different recent circumstances. However, both were…
By asking questions, you are not only validating your listening and understanding, you are inviting more participation…
By asking questions, you are not only validating your listening and understanding, you are inviting more participation…
One of the great ways to find out someone’s story is to ask “How?” and “Why?” questions after you ask the person the “What?” and “Where?” questions that are so…
I don’t know the spiritual background of all the people who voiced them nor do I know their context but they are inspiring nonetheless…
This is not to say that gospel presentations are bad. They’re not. They can be a valuable tool if used correctly…
“I don’t know how to witness to people. I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Well, I know a good place to start. Start with you!
If someone from your church approached you expressing a desire to use their love of sports to be missional, what advice would you give them? How could this person use…
Written by Ken Cross, Church Coach and Mentor at CEDE Sports “Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ…
Jesus called the twelve to be with Him. Not only that, He was committed to bringing Himself to them. He was WITH them. They did life together…
You know, I think the hero of every one of our sermons, every one of our lessons ought to be the Hero of the Bible, which is not you for…
The way believers coach, spectate, and play sports communicates something about their faith…
Practice What You Preach According to author Jerry Bridges, we need to “preach the gospel to ourselves everyday” In chapter 1, I stated that the typical evangelical paradigm is that…
7. Evangelism is necessary for your own growth in Christ…
The speed of the leader is the speed of the team. The pastor must be a model of evangelism in his own life…
John Piper explains when you should share the gospel…