“If you were to die tonight, do you know for certain you would go to heaven?” While this question may be helpful in the course of a spiritual dialogue, it…
Batman. Superman. William Wallace. Indiana Jones. All great heroes brought to life in the movies! (When you think of a hero, who comes to your mind?) I longed to be…
As Christians, we tend to compartmentalize aspects of our lives. Going to church, reading the Bible, and praying are all “spiritual” things while the day-to-day activities we engage in like…
The gospel produces in Christians both humility and boldness. Read what Tim Keller says: “When the gospel ‘comes home’-humbling and affirming you, it turns every believer into a natural evangelist…Evangelism…
The “Minnesota Miracle.” Alabama’s overtime victory over Georgia. Georgia’s overtime win over Oklahoma. New England’s late drive to defeat Jacksonville. The Eagles defense holding off the Falcons on their final…
Today is one of those days. I don’t know about you but for me there are some days when the brokenness of the world, the loss of goodness all…
I recently ran across a satirical look at sports in the United States titled Inside America’s Largest Religious Revival You Know Nothing About. The author, Heather Smith, makes the following…
“Of course, we pray for victory.” This response came in answer to a series of questions from Christianity Today to the Houston Astros Spanish-speaking Chaplain, Juan Jesus Alaniz. The…
I might say this to someone I think has too high an opinion of themselves or their abilities. “Get a grip” would be my reminder that they aren’t or can’t.…
We think one aspect of our calling as a ministry is to spur on gospel centricity in sports ministries within the local church.
If you think the Christian experience is supposed to be characterized by constant discouragement and infrequent victory over sin, your gospel is too small…
Here are a couple of thoughts about the Gospel that I have found very helpful:
A gospel which is only about the moment of conversion but does not extend to every moment of life in Christ is too small…
Supernatural fruitfulness cannot always be measured…
“How do I handle seven blown calls for the glory of God?”
“I’ve always told my players and coaches that something used to happen between us every practice, Conroy. Do you remember?”