REACHgathering is for sports ministers in local churches. We launched REACH with the desire to catalyze and further unite the movement of local church sports ministries and ministers (both vocational…
Even though February is halfway done, look back at 2015 as 2016 speeds on (hopefully not out of control!) and all that’s to come this year. Maybe you’re like me…
After a game, what a parent/coach celebrates is what a child emulates…
We have established that we live in a compartmentalized world – with tragic results in life and in sports. Coaches, who appear calm and cool outside of sports, lose it on the…
What was it that created such loyalty, respect and love? Entire books have been written on Coach Wooden; many of them shed light on the answer to that question…
In part 1, I encouraged you to ponder about the structure of you ministry, to consider, like Goldilocks and the three bears, “Is it too little, too much, or just right?” …
This list is from Tony Morgan and it’s geared toward churches in general. All the principles apply to a sports ministry though. A church website brings people to your church.…
Tim Briggs came across the below excerpt at J.D. Greear’s blog and, to give a little context, this is his first point on his criticism of children’s curriculum: Most “new-church-friendly”…
The below video is an excerpt from a training entitled: The Most Important Question A Coach Should Ask. In this excerpt, Bob Schindler explains how to use life principles to…
I’m running a three day sports camp at my church this week (for children ages 4-10) and I wrote this 3 part devotional entitled The Power of Teams. Below is a…
I came across this article that outlines five steps North Point Community Church (where Andy Stanley is the Senior Pastor) does to recruit, train, and retain volunteers. Volunteers are so…
If you only had one idea to share with someone to help them develop/recover a zeal for evangelism, what would you say? What would be your elevator speech? I know,…
3D Devotionals are a revolutionary way to integrate the concepts of sports rules/principles, life, and spiritual truth. Watch as Bob Schindler explains this system. In our efforts to bring Christianity…
In the last couple of days, I’ve come across some blogs/resources to help in evaluating the past year and planning ahead for the future. Enjoy!…
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve been seeing these posters/memes going around about different occupations. Here’s my take on ‘Sports Minister.’ Feel free to share this.
When you connect sports to life principles to spiritual truth (and vice versa), it resonates with people…