If we’re honest, sports can be a contemporary way for ourselves to “make a name for ourselves,” right? Some of us can hide it better than others but the idol…
“How do I handle seven blown calls for the glory of God?”
“I’ve always told my players and coaches that something used to happen between us every practice, Conroy. Do you remember?”
Will there be touchdowns in the new creation? Grand-slam homeruns? Three-pointers at the buzzer? When heaven comes down to earth (Revelation 21:1–2), we shouldn’t expect anything less…
Our training and equipping should be general in nature and geared more toward principles and truths rather than methods…
I think if most people in ministry were honest with themselves, they would say they want bigger ministries to look successful…
We lost our significance and glory in the garden and we’ve been on a journey since then to reclaim it and in the process, we often choose to reclaim it…
Despite technological advances that make communications instant and far-reaching, Christians are becoming more spiritually isolated from non-Christians than was true a decade ago…
Because that’s where God comes alongside me and says, “I love failures – people who can’t make it…”
If we won we would thank the Lord for the win—— But never once did we pray DURING the game.
You may not think these two ideas – gravity and gospel centered sports ministry – have a lot in common. Hopefully after you read this post you will see the…
But gifts and temperament in the service of idols—and this is our normal state—always are a mixed blessing. They have a good side—they produce virtuous behavior—but they lead the person…
My understanding of how you reach a culture is Christians have to be extremely like the people around them, and yet at the same time extremely unlike them…
“You are the most introspective person I know!” I hear this often from people around me. Sometimes it is used as a compliment. Other times I sense a little criticism…
Over the years, the Local Church has had a strange, almost love/hate, relationship with sports. Three perspectives on sports – all unbiblical – have brought about the various expressions in…
All of us want to experience the power of God.