From I’ve bolded my favorites: Due to the Rector’s illness, Wednesday’s healing services will be discontinued until further notice. Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at…
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve been seeing these posters/memes going around about different occupations. Here’s my take on ‘Sports Minister.’ Feel free to share this.
If you’re one of those people who are fighting social media–you should read this article. Social media is like the telephone or the TV was–you’re only going to be able to…
The Barna Group just released some research that is compelling. The study was motivated by Tim Tebow and his affinity for John 3:16. You can read the whole article here…
When you connect sports to life principles to spiritual truth (and vice versa), it resonates with people…
Bold the things you want read. Understand that every word won’t be read. By “bolding” the important words, you ensure that they’ll be read…
If you’ve never watched a NASCAR event before you may not know that they have a prayer before every race. Usually, they will have a local pastor lead the prayer. …
Derwin Gray, pastor of Transformation Church, writes about a new kind of sports ministry. You can read the full blog here. Recently, I was asked if Transformation Church is going…
I came across this at Resurgence and I thought it applied really well to sports ministry: 1. I do, we do, you do. Kids internalize concepts through gradual release: a…
Some may find it interesting that VBS’s originally were created as an outreach opportunity. For mostchurches though, VBS has become yet another program for church members. There’s nothing wrong with that…
I had not heard of the Tebow statue until I read this article. The statue clearly shows Tim Tebow with his patented John 3:16 inscription on his eye black. In…
I just read this article from The Christian Post asking the question of ‘Is There a Next Billy Graham?’ Interestingly enough, Billy Graham hopes there isn’t. Here’s why: Billy Graham published a…
Courtesy of J.D. Payne from Ed Stetzer’s blog: In your estimation, what are the top 3 reasons Christians don’t share the gospel with the lost? Aside from general disobedience, I believe…
Mike Metzger thinks perhaps so over on his blog. I would encourage reading the whole article. Below are some excerpts: The lethal brew of bonds, balloons, boomers, and big boxes…
Not to be a downer, but I should first start out by saying that there’s not a lot of full-time sports ministry jobs out there at local churches. If you…
I recently came across the below stats and I thought I would share them: More than 65% of children say they participate in sports to be with friends Top reasons…