Awhile ago, I stepped out toward the fulfillment of a dream. After years of work, lots of prayer, and hope in God that he would do great things, He didn’t. At…
What are your big rocks? This is a question we frequently ask each other around Cede Sports. The question is based on an illustration I heard several years ago. Rather…
Good stuff here from Trevin Wax. Below is an excerpt: 2. Beware of the Ping In The Accidental Creative, Todd Henry warns against the Ping: “The Ping is that…
Via Michael Hyatt: The temptation of priorities. Weak leaders put themselves last. They mistakenly think this is more spiritual. As I wrote in another post, it is a dangerous temptation…
By Jason Miller Having a plan is good. Organization is good. Being prepared is good. But…is it possible to “plan God out”? There are some who will read this…
Batman. Superman. William Wallace. Indiana Jones. All great heroes brought to life in the movies! (When you think of a hero, who comes to your mind?) I longed to be…
The “Minnesota Miracle.” Alabama’s overtime victory over Georgia. Georgia’s overtime win over Oklahoma. New England’s late drive to defeat Jacksonville. The Eagles defense holding off the Falcons on their final…
This is a question we often ask sports ministers in our coaching sessions with them. We usually frame it something like this – “If we are talking three years from…
Today is one of those days. I don’t know about you but for me there are some days when the brokenness of the world, the loss of goodness all…
“Of course, we pray for victory.” This response came in answer to a series of questions from Christianity Today to the Houston Astros Spanish-speaking Chaplain, Juan Jesus Alaniz. The…
I might say this to someone I think has too high an opinion of themselves or their abilities. “Get a grip” would be my reminder that they aren’t or can’t.…
Recently, I read The Big Miss by Hank Haney about his years of coaching Tiger Woods. One of my main takeaways from the book was:
The difference between High Performance teams and really good teams is the level of genuine care and concern the members demonstrate towards each other…
I had never heard of this short story but really connected with this idea. I often feel this way, like I haven’t scratched the surface of what I want to…
In your ministry or business, you can be one of two things: a dream maker or a dream breaker…
As a coach you have the privilege to train players and mold them into better players, but you also have the opportunity to mold their lives to some extent…