The Ultimate Question Trailer In this video, Bob Schindler asks coaches “Why are you coaching?” and outlines many of the typical answers. He gives the one compelling answer to the ultimate question…
I have yet to meet a Sports Minister, Sports Director or leader who does not want to have a greater impact on players and families. One of the key factors…
Above is a matrix to help you to analyze the “Ideal Sports Minster” through specific parameters. Use this as a foundation for training, development and assessments. Reach out to…
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you…
Brother Juniper’s strategy for an archery bulls-eye was to launch an arrow at the side of a barn then draw the bulls-eye rings around the arrow. After the paint was…
In this video, Bob Schindler outlines the three myths that inhibit us in our outreach and the three truths that set us free to experience the dynamic forces God has…
In this video, Bob Schindler asks coaches “Why are you coaching?” and outlines many of the typical answers. He gives the one compelling answer to the ultimate question that integrates…
Sports are broken! At every age. At every level. In this 3 part video, Bob Schindler gives a call for the redemption of sports and a framework for doing so…
Sports are broken! At every age. At every level. In this 3 part video, Bob Schindler gives a call for the redemption of sports and a framework for doing so…
Sports are broken! At every age. At every level. In this 3 part video, Bob Schindler gives a call for the redemption of sports and a framework for doing so…