“Why are my sports still so much about me?” ……He had hoped that after the years of walking with Jesus that this would be different, that he would be different.
Here is a short list of three items from this past week that reveal something of the depth of the brokenness of sports – all sports, all levels.
At least 2 dozen adults were involved in a brawl after a baseball game involving 10 year olds in Greenley, CO.
I recently watched a 60 minutes interview with Bill Gates. During the interview, Charlie Rose asked Bill about his relationship with Steve Jobs, which led to discussion about their conversations…
If you come to the conclusion that MMA is too violent for Christians to be using as an outreach tool then where do you draw the line? How about boxing?…
f you are involved in adult sports and are looking for ideas to move your ministry to greater effectiveness, watch the video below.
We were speechless. We didn’t know whether to keep shooting or just to end practice. It was sweet, man.
And so you ask, “How may I know My name is in the Book? May I beseech my God to show The page where I may look?”
Dallas Willard talks about the gospel is not just the minimum requirements to get into heaven and how grace is not just for sinners.
As many workers in the field of sports ministry in the context of the local church, I’m a staff of one. I am part of the larger church staff, of…
I plan to write further about this but right now I just feel sad, almost sick as I try to grasp what happened here.
I’ve been involved with organizing and running recreational and competitive sports leagues for over 10 years and know one thing for sure — no matter what you do, you can’t…
From my perspective, Dennis is an orphan in need of a father, a heavenly Father. His pain is obvious. He hurts and hurts others…
Tweeting too little—or too much. Admittedly, this is a judgment call. Like the Story of the Three Bears, somewhere between too little and too much is “just right.”…
‘Social networking’ is having a major impact on sports participation patterns in the U.S. – particularly for those aged 12 to 30 (‘Generation Y’)…
I can’t say I am a big NBA fan. I know some of the stars, but I did ‘t watch one regular season game.spurs