I mention all of this because I think within the church, and especially within the sports ministry world, we don’t recruit well…
In their presentation, you will find challenging insights, thought provoking situations, and very helpful solutions that will give you the following takeaways:
It’s not unusual for an athletic field to feature signs that advise about the rules of the game being played at the site. What is more unusual is for those…
The church “charged” just $5 but easily overlooked even that “dignity fee,” and 200 rambunctious, excited children flooded the field…
We’ve been warned that social media can distract us, shorten our attention spans, disconnect us from real-life relationships. Now a new study suggests that Facebook might also be making us…
Trellis work also often looks more impressive than vine work. It’s more visible and structural. We can point to something tangible–a committee, an event, a program, a budget, an infrastructure–and…
Living Golf explores the role of faith on the PGA Tour and speaks with 2012 U.S. Open champion Webb Simpson.
Lin recently took to Facebook to answer questions from fans during what he called Fan Appreciation Week….
In this video, Piper discusses what is the gospel. Below is a brief summary of the video…
Yoga continues to increase in popularity in the United States. As Yoga has become popular in western culture since the 1960s, there has been a separation of its traditional spiritual…
In this video blog, Bob Dyar compares the fundamentals of blocking and tackling in football to the fundamentals of evangelism and discipleship in sports outreach…
The video is from Santa Cruz Bible Church and it makes light of the mentality among some Christians that missional work only occurs on “missions trips” as opposed to being…
We then find out they are actually each complimenting each other, only to give each a high five before going to their respective benches – MID GAME!!!
The church sets its annual budget as 90 percent of the previous year’s income, to leave a 10 percent cushion in case of an economic downturn, and limits salaries to…
As we intentionally engage people with our lives out of love for theirs, it opens up doors for us to have deeper conversations. It doesn’t have to be awkward, it…
I am in favor of the ban – mainly because I am traditionalist. However, something Glen Nager, the President of the USGA, resonated with me.