It will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete and it helps you understand your ministry gifts as articulated in Ephesians 4: Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, Pastor…
Then it dawned on me—you can be home without being home…
Missional Manifesto is a new website created by guys like Alan Hirsch, Dan Kimball, Tim Keller, and others clarifying what it means to be missional…
If none or only a few of the key leaders are actively sharing their faith…
On Friday a thief…On Sunday a King…Laid down in grief…But awoke with keys
The idea is for this site to be a welcoming, unpressured and jargon-free place for people to explore the Christian faith…
After a solid week of almost constant rejections, the group consoled themselves that they had planted spiritual seeds that would sprout later…
In a similar way, we sometimes present our gospel-masterpiece in a context that belies our message…
Jesus and Paul avoided all that could be associated with “production” in their evangelism…
This generation is open to God and spirituality. When asked if they considered themselves to be spiritual, 73 percent of respondents age 20-29 answered affirmatively…
Cast the vision, model the behavior, and give people complete permission to follow that lead…
1. The gospel doesn’t interest you—or it does, but not as much other religious subjects…
For any church out there who is not already part of the CSO Network, please take this quick survey regarding sports ministry. We would really appreciate it…
Is the call to evangelize the lost something that all Christians are expected to engage in?…
Having grown up in a churchgoing family, it took some hard soul-searching during his first three years at OU before Jones felt right in his life…
There is nothing in us or done by us, at any stage of our earthly development, because of which we are acceptable to God…